Just because you’re gay, doesn’t mean you can’t play.
11:09 min
As part of a class assignment in seventh grade, Arwyn Halloran was asked to write an autobiography. Though initially unsure of whether to include her sexual orientation in the narrative, she ultimately decided that including that detail would be helpful to her class—and to her.
Meet the people who paved the way for LGBT rights. It has been a long hard fight to secure acceptance for the LGBT community, and the older people who fought the fight often get overlooked and forgotten.
Zachariah George is a twenty-five-year-old Native American living in the rural outcrop of White Rock, New Mexico. Going by the moniker Mr.
“There was no way for it to work together, so I created two people…”
Asian parents tell their son that he is an embarrassment to their culture for being gay. What will nearby diners say?
Individuals who identify as gender nonbinary offer advice for what people should know about the coming out and discovery process.
Over the years, Cecilia came out to her mother first as gay, then as trans, then as a lesbian. Her mom’s and grandma’s reactions were quite different.
A son is coming out to his very traditional Latino father over lunch. The father makes it clear he will not accept his son’s sexual orientation.
You’re not alone.
Check out the first video from Our Families, in our series of videos that highlight the trials of triumphs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people of color. Our Families is a community education campaign that raises the visibility of LGBT people of color.