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Mayo Clinic Researchers Uncover Methods to Quantify the Yips and Golfer’s Cramp


Almost every golfer knows the feeling. Minutes after a picture-perfect drive down the fairway, a cascade of inexplicable missed putts leads to a disappointing triple bogey. Golfers’ lapses in play sometimes are blamed on a mysterious twitching condition called “the yips. See more...

05:12 min


Demystifying the Endocannabinoid System | Ruth Ross | TEDxMississauga

Dr. Ruth Ross describes what happens in the brain when introduced to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), one of the primary ingredients in cannabis.

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Percy Harvin Says He Was High Every Game He Played | Untold Stories

Former NFL star Percy Harvin tells B/R’s Master Tesfatsion he was high for every game he played because of issues he had with anxiety. The former Seahawk also tells all on the fight he got into with Golden Tate ahead of Super Bowl XLVIII—before Marshawn Lynch played peacemaker.

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The Yips