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The Best Drill to Fix your Chipping Yips Forever | Mr. Short Game


How do you fix your chipping yips? In this video I show you how can can have a world class short game and hit the shots you want without fear of the chunk, skull or whatever else messes you up around the greens.

07:23 min


From Depression to Spiritual Awakening - Jeff Foster

In a meeting, Jeff Foster is asked about his spiritual 'quest', and speaks from the heart about his journey from suicidal depression to spiritual awakening. Recorded live, 25th April 2015 in the Netherlands.

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Make Your Life Purpose Invulnerable to Heartbreak and Frustration | don Jose Ruiz

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Kids in Crisis: You’re Not Alone - Affirmations Can Help with Mental Health Challenges

Amaii Collins is a student at Rufus King International High School in Milwaukee. She has struggled with depression and a suicide attempt. She has heard other young people talk about their struggles and their improvements because they talked to someone.

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The Yips