This video is about the dual nature of perfectionism in sports: Relationships with emotion, motivation, and performance.
05:01 min
Competitiveness is something psychologist have been interested in for decades. understanding what motivates people to compete and what makes them continue to be competitive over long periods of time goes a long way in helping psychologists understand more about human nature.
The Ultimate Motivational Video featuring advice from the greatest athletes of all time! A must see new Motivational Speech series from Motiversity, featuring speeches from Lebron James, Tom Brady, Tiger Woods, Conor McGregor, Michael Jordan, Ronaldo, Gretzky, and more!
Rich Feller interviews Richard Leider about what people say they would do if they could live life over.
Scott Dinsmore's mission is to change the world by helping people find what excites them and build a career around the work only they are capable of doing.
As the Athletic Director and head coach of the Varsity Soccer team at Ryerson University, Dr. Joseph is often asked what skills he is searching for as a recruiter: Is it speed? Strength? Agility? In Dr.
Tonya Rapley, the Millennial Money Expert and founder of My Fab Finance, shares how to transition from your 9-5 job to your creative passion full time.
One quality you can develop to stop making excuses and start seeing results, which will guarantee you greater success, accomplishment, and happiness in life-is self-discipline.
In this video we will be talking about 10 important insights for waking up early from the writings of Marcus Aurelius. He was also a devout student of the philosophy of Stoicism.
The Motivation Manifesto is a poetic and powerful call to reclaim our lives and find our own personal freedom. It’s a triumphant work that transcends the title, lifting the reader from mere motivation into a soaringly purposeful and meaningful life