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What Does a Panic Attack Actually Do to Your Body?


Panic attacks can happen to anyone, but what’s really happening to your body when one strikes?

03:56 min


Anxiety and Autism/Neurodiversity Issues w/Christa Holmans

Today I chatted with Christa Holmans about some of the overlapping issues found in both anxiety disorders and autism and other neurodiversity conditions such as ADHD.

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Ant Clemons on BIPOC Men’s Mental Health

The Jed Foundation (JED) exists to protect the emotional well-being of our nation’s 75 million teens and young adults and prevent suicide.

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Mental Health Is Declining and Black Women Are Hit the Hardest | Keita Joy | TEDxBeaconStreet

Did you know that in the United States, over 10.3 million adults have serious thoughts of suicide and/or battle with mental health struggles privately while continuing to produce and perform publicly? Imagine living with a constant, lingering private struggle, while performing in front of the world.

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My Yips Story

A former collegiate softball player talks about her struggles with mental health and the Yips during her career.

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Panic Attacks