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Calm a Panic Attack in 3 Easy Steps


Do you suffer from panic attacks? Psychiatrist Dr. Domenick Sportelli, who shares he too deals with panic attacks, joins The Doctors to discuss how to possibly prevent the attacks in three easy ways without taking medication.

04:55 min


Responding to Children with Mental Health Difficulties

Recognising mental health difficulties, and early intervention, can improve mental health outcomes for children. This video looks at the advantages and disadvantages of a mental health diagnosis for children and their families.

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Kids in Crisis: You’re Not Alone - Affirmations Can Help with Mental Health Challenges

Amaii Collins is a student at Rufus King International High School in Milwaukee. She has struggled with depression and a suicide attempt. She has heard other young people talk about their struggles and their improvements because they talked to someone.

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Why Children Struggling with Mental Health Say Stigma Can Be Deadly

A new documentary produced by our colleagues at Milwaukee PBS in collaboration with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel follows four young people from Wisconsin who are navigating mental health challenges.

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Challenges and Rewards of a Culturally Informed Approach to Mental Health - Jessica Dere - TEDxUTSC

Dr. Jessica Dere explains how culture makes a difference when thinking about mental health and mental illness. Across mental health research, clinical care and teaching, there are profound rewards to be had by truly understanding individuals in context.

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When Mental Illness Enters the Family | Dr. Lloyd Sederer | TEDxAlbany

What must families know if they have a loved one with a mental illness? In his talk, Dr. Lloyd Sederer discusses the four things we all must know to help those who may be struggling around us.

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The Truth About Our Mental Health Crisis ft. Dr. Ali

COVID-19's impact on the globe can’t be understated, and while the vaccine has dramatically reduced the spread of the virus in nations that are lucky enough to have access, the global toll on our mental health, vaccinated or not, will be felt for years to come.

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How to Meditate: Mingyur Rinpoche Talks About the Essence of Meditation

In this short teaching, Tibetan Buddhist meditation master Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche discusses the essence of meditation, and how learning to meditate helped him overcome debilitating panic attacks and anxiety.

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Dan Harris' Panic Attack (and Discovery of Meditation) | Big Think

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Sadhguru: What to Eat

How to eat properly? What food should I eat? What is the best conscious diet? Sadhguru Answers These Questions and More!

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Enlightened Naturopathy: Your Body Is Intelligent—It’s Time to Start Listening

Discover healing through transformation with Amy Falconbridge - naturopath, mentor, coach, and interpersonal facilitator at Enlightened Naturopathy.

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Panic Attacks