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Racial Microaggressions in Academic Spaces | Monnica Williams | MHDI Health Equity Speaker Series

By Monnica Williams — 2021

01:21:09 min


How to Get Serious About Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace | Janet Stovall

Imagine a workplace where people of all colors and races are able to climb every rung of the corporate ladder -- and where the lessons we learn about diversity at work actually transform the things we do, think and say outside the office.

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James Cone and Taylor Branch on MLK’s Fight for Economic Equality

Theologian James Cone and Pulitzer Prize–winning historian Taylor Branch join Bill to discuss Dr. Martin Luther King’s vision of economic justice in addition to racial equality, and why so little has changed for America’s most oppressed.

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BIPOC + ALLY Meeting at the Intersection: Mindfulness, Compassion, and AntiRacism with JoAnna Hardy

This is a meditation meeting for people of color and their allies interested in using the Buddhist principles of mindfulness and compassion to help work with and understand how to be AntiRacist. JoAnna will share wisdom and experience on topics that are pertinent and immediate in the country today.

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We Went to a Support Group for Black People in America

Alzo Slade participates in an “Emotional Emancipation Circle,” an Afrocentric support group created by the Community Healing Network and the Association of Black Psychologists. It’s a safe space for Black people to share personal experiences with racism and to process racial trauma.

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What If Gentrification Was About Healing Communities Instead of Displacing Them? | Liz Ogbu

Liz Ogbu is an architect who works on spatial justice: the idea that justice has a geography and that the equitable distribution of resources and services is a human right.

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Black Healing in White Space | Sacha Armstrong-Crockett | TEDxHartford

Being an African-American growing up in a white neighborhood can be challenging. Trying to keep your identity yet navigate in a different place. It can be a challenging balance to try to adapt to different cultures, styles, and communities.

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James H. Cone

James H. Cone, the Bill and Judith Moyers Distinguished Professor of Systematic Theology at Union Theological Seminary, came to YDS as the culmination of this semester’s All School Read program.

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Backs Against the Wall: The Howard Thurman Story

Backs Against the Wall: The Howard Thurman Story explores the extraordinary life and legacy of one of the most important religious figures of the 20th century.

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We Need to Talk about an Injustice | Bryan Stevenson

In an engaging and personal talk—with cameo appearances from his grandmother and Rosa Parks—human rights lawyer Bryan Stevenson shares some hard truths about America’s justice system, starting with a massive imbalance along racial lines: a third of the country’s black male population has been...

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Reverend: White Supremacy Sometimes “Masquerades as Faith” in Christian Churches

Rev. Jacqueline Lewis, senior minister of Middle Collegiate Church in Manhattan, is on a mission to eradicate racism—especially within the church she loves. Though Rev. Lewis’s own congregation is a model of diversity, Rev.

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Racial Discrimination