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Archetypes and Stories Beyond The Hero's Journey

By Charles Eisenstein — 2019

I don't think the hero's journey is a useless archetype. I think it's a powerful archetype. It's just like we've made everything about it, as if it is THE map for life.

20:12 min


Neurodiversity: An Untapped Resource for Future Inventors | Shawn Brown | TEDxTruro

Is the way we educate young people with learning differences stifling the innovators, problem solvers and inventors of the future? Shawn Brown explores how Neurodiversity is linked to innovation, yet widely overlooked in our education system.

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Attention Regulation: The Difference Between ADHD and Autism (Explaining The Neurodiversity Rainbow)

This video explains in pictures the difference between ADHD and autism and the neurodiversity rainbow.

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21 Signs You’re Neurodivergent, ULTIMATE Checklist | Healing Unscripted

“Neurodivergent” is an umbrella term for people with a variety of disabilities, conditions, and experiences that are neurologically different from the norm, such as ADHD, autism, high sensitivity, and more.

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Aspergers and Employment: Keeping a Job—Common Issues in the Workplace

WELCOME TO ASPERGERS FROM THE INSIDE!! My name is Paul and I discovered I have Aspergers at age 30. Yes, I know, I don’t look autistic. That’s exactly why I started this blog, because if I didn’t show you, you would never know.

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Why My 4.0 at Harvard Was a Failure

Just because something is a failure does not mean that you are a failure. Only through failure does anyone find growth. If you never make mistakes, you will never become better.

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The Solutions Institute - Expert Help For Activists

The first-ever activist consulting firm. Professional help at no charge to those who want to make a difference.

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Are Americans Obsessed with Race and Gender? | Middle Ground

A group of young Americans from various racial and gender backgrounds discuss some of the most controversial topics regarding racial and gender identity and discrimination.

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How to Return Home: The Buddha on the Battlefield: Judah Pollack at TEDxRockCreekPark

Working with US Army combat veterans for over three years Judah Pollack discusses his insight that resiliency is a product of communities, of human networks. The culture of the Army is less accepting of traditional therapy. But the culture is built on the power of soldiers supporting each other.

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Conversations on Compassion with Dr. BJ Miller

In this conversation, CCARE’s founder and director, Dr. James Doty, will ask Dr. BJ Miller about his life’s work and how compassion has played a role.

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Rob Jones: An American Hero’s Journey

Jones who lost both legs is ran 31 marathons in 31 days to raise money for wounded veterans.

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Hero’s Journey