From DMT: The Spirit Molecule
09:03 min
Profound experiences of non-dual consciousness sometimes lead to lasting, and lastingly beneficial, changes in values and behavior.
Alex Grey describes his very memorable first experience with the psychedelic DMT, as well as several subsequent experiences, and how they influenced his art. From the documentary DMT: The Spirit Molecule.
Leading psychopharmacologist Roland Griffiths discloses the ways that psychedelic drugs can be used to create spiritually meaningful, personally transformative experiences for all patients, especially the terminally ill.
Robert Jesse is the organiser of the Council on Spiritual Practices, which aims to shift modernity's awareness and practices with respect to primary religious experience.
VOD release of DMT: The Spirit Molecule in Oct 2011.
In this series of experiments-the first new American clinical research with psychedelic drugs in a generation-dozens of human volunteers received hundreds of doses of DMT, one of the most powerful psychedelics known to science.
An investigation into the long-obscured mystery of dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a molecule found in nearly every living organism and considered the most potent psychedelic on Earth.
I look at the description of the experience of DMT by philosopher Terence McKenna.