From DMT: The Spirit Molecule
09:03 min
Here he describes the process of setting up a program to research the psychedelic drug, DMT, at the University of New Mexico. It took two years to obtain the required permissions, as there had been a twenty year hiatus in psychedelic research on human subjects.
The Neurophenomenology of the DMT State, presented by Christopher Timmermann from Imperial College London, UK
Joe Rogan interviews Graham Hancock about his experiences with ayahuasca and other forms of psychedelic medicine practiced by indigenous peoples. Hancock discusses his belief that ayahuasca can be considered "Amazonian science."
Maestro Hamilton Souther is one of the most pre-eminent Western born Ayahuasqueros in the world. This founder of Blue Morpho has been my shaman in many different ayahuasca and plant dieta journeys.
In this series of experiments-the first new American clinical research with psychedelic drugs in a generation-dozens of human volunteers received hundreds of doses of DMT, one of the most powerful psychedelics known to science.
An investigation into the long-obscured mystery of dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a molecule found in nearly every living organism and considered the most potent psychedelic on Earth.
I look at the description of the experience of DMT by philosopher Terence McKenna.