From DMT: The Spirit Molecule
09:03 min
A presentation and discussion on the continuities and discontinuities between the world of sacred plants and that of psychedelic science.
Ayahuasca is a DMT/MAOI Amazonian brew that is used by shamans to connect with higher planes of existence, and to heal people.
Here he describes the process of setting up a program to research the psychedelic drug, DMT, at the University of New Mexico. It took two years to obtain the required permissions, as there had been a twenty year hiatus in psychedelic research on human subjects.
Alex Grey describes his very memorable first experience with the psychedelic DMT, as well as several subsequent experiences, and how they influenced his art. From the documentary DMT: The Spirit Molecule.
The Neurophenomenology of the DMT State, presented by Christopher Timmermann from Imperial College London, UK
In this scene from HAMILTON'S PHARMACOPEIA, Hamilton meets with LSD World Peace, an artist who depicts DMT space in his work.
Joe Rogan interviews Graham Hancock about his experiences with ayahuasca and other forms of psychedelic medicine practiced by indigenous peoples. Hancock discusses his belief that ayahuasca can be considered "Amazonian science."
This presentation will offer an overview of the book “Ayahuasca Shamanism in the Amazon and Beyond”, co-edited by Beatriz Caiuby Labate and Clancy Cavnar, and published through Oxford University Press in 2014.