Dr. Oliver Sacks describes uncanny out-of-body experiences of his patients.
02:29 min
Ayahuasca is a DMT/MAOI Amazonian brew that is used by shamans to connect with higher planes of existence, and to heal people.
VOD release of DMT: The Spirit Molecule in Oct 2011
VOD release of DMT: The Spirit Molecule in Oct 2011.
In this segment, he provides a brief summary of his research with the endogenous psychedelic substance DMT, his findings, and the need to find a new model consistent with his volunteers’ description of the DMT experience.
An investigation into the long-obscured mystery of dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a molecule found in nearly every living organism and considered the most potent psychedelic on Earth.
The Neurophenomenology of the DMT State, presented by Christopher Timmermann from Imperial College London, UK
I look at the description of the experience of DMT by philosopher Terence McKenna.