01:03:10 min
Within situations of physical and emotional abuse, negation and trauma, there are many experiences in life that can be too difficult to bear.
When I lived in San Francisco in 1980, I was introduced to shamanic ceremonies. I loved this practice, which taught me how to receive my own spiritual guidance by traveling outside of time and space to meet with helping and compassionate spirits.
A few days ago, I had the honor of speaking with a woman who has made a profound impact on the world of shamanic healing over the past 30 years….Her name is Sandra Ingerman and her wisdom stems from ancient healing traditions deep in Siberia, the land where the word “shaman” originates.
Although I felt support from my family and teachers when I was growing up…I felt like I never received an “operating manual” for how to live in the ordinary world. As a child I had a deep spiritual life and was comfortable in the spiritual realms.
In 2000 I began teaching a workshop internationally titled Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light…This work ended up being so powerful for so many who learned that this work not only heals us individually and also showed through scientific experiments how we could transmute...
As we continue to experience change to the Earth due to climate changes, it is important for us to shift our perspective about what is happening.
Shamanic journeying is the inner art of traveling to the invisible worlds beyond ordinary reality to retrieve information for change in every area of our lives from spirituality and health to work and relationships.
A shaman can serve as a healer, storyteller, and a keeper of wisdom―but most of all, teaches Sandra Ingerman, "Shamans radiate a light that uplifts everybody.
With warmth and compassion, Sandra Ingerman describes the dramatic results of combining soul retrieval with contemporary psychological concepts in this visionary work that revives the ancient shamanic tradition of soul retrieval for healing emotional and physical illness.
We perform ceremonies to mark important events and celebrate holidays―yet our modern approach to ceremony only scratches the surface of its true potential.