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The Onset of Mental Health Issues in Children


01:27 min


3 Great Untruths to Stop Telling Kids and Ourselves | Jonathan Haidt | Big Think

Popular platitudes can squash your critical thinking, argues moral psychologist Jonathan Haidt. Always trust your feelings? The world is a battle between good and evil? These popular pieces of conventional wisdom are merely myths—ones that can set us up for failure.

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The Truth About Our Mental Health Crisis ft. Dr. Ali

COVID-19's impact on the globe can’t be understated, and while the vaccine has dramatically reduced the spread of the virus in nations that are lucky enough to have access, the global toll on our mental health, vaccinated or not, will be felt for years to come.

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Dr. Peter Levine on Child Sexual Abuse and Relational Trauma

Dr. Peter Levine talks about child sexual abuse and relational trauma.

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Children’s Well-Being