Meet two families and hear about their experiences living with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Tourette Syndrome.
04:59 min
Every generation, sometimes building on and sometimes rejecting what came before, develops its own ideas about parenting. For many millennials, the clinical psychologist Becky Kennedy, a.k.a. Dr. Becky, is the person whom they trust to deliver those ideas.
After a tough year for parents, a clinical psychologist and mom of three shares her favorite caregiving tools and tricks, from voice-recording buttons that ease separation anxiety to kitchen timers that promote mindfulness.
If you are a parent of a child under the age of, say, 10, it’s unlikely that you made it through the pandemic without coming across Dr. Becky.
Research has found that having children is terrible for quality of life—but the truth about what parenthood means for happiness is a lot more complicated.
Parenting a young boy can feel like total chaos, especially if he’s your first. His mind and body are changing, and so is his relationship with you.
What happened? You thought you were doing the best for your child and didn’t set out to raise a selfish, insensitive, spoiled kid.
Why the obsession with our kids’ happiness may be dooming them to unhappy adulthoods. A therapist and mother reports.
Parents have an important task: figure out who their child is—his or her skills, preferences, beliefs, values, personality traits, goals, and direction—get comfortable with it, and then help them pursue and live a life according to it.
Caring deeply about our children is part of what makes us human. Yet the thing we call “parenting” is a surprisingly new invention.
Before you succeed at parenting, you need to succeed as a couple! Baby Bomb is the resource you need when a new baby turns your life—and your romantic relationship—upside down. A baby is a blessing—and also a completely life-altering event.