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Carl Jung: Unconscious Parent Figures—The Anima and Animus

By Carl Jung — 2020

The anima and animus are two essential archetypes of Carl Jung's theories. They reside in the unconscious just like the shadow and just as with the shadow they both need to be integrated into one's personality to achieve one's full potential and become whole.

14:22 min


Eduardo Briceño: How to Get Better at the Things You Care About | TED

Working hard but not improving? You’re not alone. Eduardo Briceño reveals a simple way to think about getting better at the things you do, whether that’s work, parenting or creative hobbies.

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The Secret to Self-Development and Changing Your Life | Motivational Video

In this video I share with you the secret to self-development and changing your life. Self-development is the only path to accelerating your growth and actualizing your potential as a human being.

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The Secret to Personal Growth | Brian Tracy

Like everything in life, personal growth is something that has to be worked for and everyone is on their own journey towards it. If you want to ensure your growth never stagnates, watch this video to learn the secret to personal growth and why it is so important for your success in life.hange

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How to Recreate Your Identity

Patrick Bet-David is interviewed by Tom Bilyeu on Impact Theory and in this short clip they discuss the process of discovering identity, what is the identity and how can others begin to shape it.

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Compassion for the Dark Side

Having compassion for the shadow parts of ourselves is key for our personal healing.

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WVC 2019 - Ann Shulgin

Watch the legendary author and psychedelic therapist Ann Shulgin speak about "The Shadow" at the 2019 Women's Visionary Congress in Oakland, California.

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Jungian Psychology - The Anima and The Animus - Jung - Archetypes

In this video, I talk about The Anima and The Animus in the Jungian Psychological Model. I go over the information in this order. 1. Anima and Animus - basic definition 2. The gender spectrum now and how the Anima and Animus fits in 3. The feminine and masculine defined as Yin and Yang 4.

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Dr. Robert Johnson—Initiation and the Modern Ego

Dr. Robert Johnson—author, lecturer, analyst—discusses masculine initiation as it relates to the modern ego of the western male in his film In Search of the Holy Grail.

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Carl Jung and the Shadow—the Mechanics of Your Dark Side

Carl Jung was one of the most important psychologists of the previous century. The notion of the shadow is central to the human condition and the ability to deal with it constitutes a challenging endeavor for most of us.

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Dr. Robert Johnson—the Mother Complex

Dr. Robert Johnson discusses the Mother Complex that is in most western males in his film In Search of the Holy Grail.

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