The bestselling author has a message for managers and leaders: You must seek out the feelings that lie behind people’s bad behavior.
02:43 min
Spoken word meet social critique in this power piece exploring the cyclical nature of mental health challenges within the black community.
So often when we set limits it is with an agenda. We want a certain result and are upset if we don't get it. Here I talk about how to set limits that really work, but it requires not trying to control "which choice" the other child or adult makes.
Relationship expert Iyanla Vanzant says fatherless daughters can’t fix what they can’t face—which is why they need to tell themselves the absolute truth to mend the pain of the past.
Eckhart Tolle Question and Answer Sample Overview: When we connect to beingness we can relate beyond form. Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most original and inspiring spiritual teachers of our time. He travels and teaches throughout the world.
Believe it or not, it’s often difficult to get people to claim abandoned funds, whether from a forgotten savings account, an uncashed check or a long-ago refund.
This video is included in the free online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course (MBSR) by Palouse Mindfulness. It is an edited compilation of three videos.