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Brené Brown: Attend to Fears and Feelings

By Brené Brown — 2020

The bestselling author has a message for managers and leaders: You must seek out the feelings that lie behind people’s bad behavior.

02:43 min


Andrew Solomon: How the Worst Moments in Our Lives Make Us Who We Are

Writer Andrew Solomon has spent his career telling stories of the hardships of others. Now he turns inward, bringing us into a childhood of struggle, while also spinning tales of the courageous people he’s met in the years since.

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Trauma and the Unbound Body

Judith teaches the main practices of the Realization Process, a direct, embodied method of personal and relational healing and nondual awakening. She discusses the application of these practices to healing from trauma.

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How to Design Your Destiny

This is Brendon filmed in a single take and unscripted, just ranting about life without notes or a prompter.

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Who Are You . . . Really?

The purpose of this video is to relay the most sublime teaching of Sunyata—silence beyond any idea of silence, peace beyond any idea of peace, love beyond any idea of love, and the vast emptiness of the omniscience that defies description (gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā).

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