The bestselling author has a message for managers and leaders: You must seek out the feelings that lie behind people’s bad behavior.
02:43 min
Your healthy anger should arise when your sense of self and your idea of how things should be (your boundaries) are challenged or broken. What you do next, and how you re-set your boundaries, determines the outcome for you and for your relationships. Healthy anger can change your life!
Patrick Bet-David is interviewed by Tom Bilyeu on Impact Theory and in this short clip they discuss the process of discovering identity, what is the identity and how can others begin to shape it.
Do you believe that what you see influences how you feel? Actually, the opposite is true: What you feel—your “affect”—influences what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.
Dr. Bernie Siegel speaks on the Art of Healing in Simsbury CT.
Eckhart Tolle Question and Answer Sample Overview: When we connect to beingness we can relate beyond form. Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most original and inspiring spiritual teachers of our time. He travels and teaches throughout the world.
Can you look at someone’s face and know what they’re feeling? Does everyone experience happiness, sadness and anxiety the same way? What are emotions anyway? For the past 25 years, psychology professor Lisa Feldman Barrett has mapped facial expressions, scanned brains and analyzed hundreds of...
Meet Shaolin Master Shi Heng Yi in his serene talk about self-discovery. Learn why rainfall is an essential part of each flowering. And every small step – part of the journey to the highest peek. The hindrances along the way to self-discovery and personal growth are easy to overcome.
"Can you speak about reactivity?" In this video, Eckhart gives counsel in making the choice to react or allow.
Gary Zukav reveals a revolutionary new path for spiritual growth in his book Spiritual Partnership: The Journey to Authentic Power.
This is Brendon filmed in a single take and unscripted, just ranting about life without notes or a prompter.