The bestselling author has a message for managers and leaders: You must seek out the feelings that lie behind people’s bad behavior.
02:43 min
Sometimes it may be difficult to see past trauma, to be completely in the moment without excessive thinking or managing past trauma. Eckhart offers a compassionate look at suffering through the lens of awakening.
Eckhart Tolle Question and Answer Sample Overview: When we connect to beingness we can relate beyond form. Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most original and inspiring spiritual teachers of our time. He travels and teaches throughout the world.
It’s time to experience your essential identity. Through the form and the formless Eckhart invites you to start your path towards awakening and to find who you truly are through this journey.
What is forgiveness? Is it different from compassion? Is it different from the Buddhist concept of Bodhicitta? In this live question Q&A Eckhart illuminates the nature of forgiveness, reminding us of the realm wherein it becomes unnecessary.
If you hold on to pain inflicted by others, you risk missing an opportunity to move forward. Watch as Oprah explains why she had to let go of her tumultuous upbringing and negative feelings toward her grandmother.
"Can you speak about reactivity?" In this video, Eckhart gives counsel in making the choice to react or allow.
Eckhart Tolle discusses the decisive shift from identifying with a feeling and simply observing it in your energy field.