Stan Grof describes a specific subgroup of non-ordinary states of consciousness that he refers to as holotropic.
03:02 min
Jamie Wheal is the Executive Director of the Flow Genome Project and expert in the neuro-physiology of human performance. For over a decade he has advised Fortune 500 companies like Google, Nike, and Red Bull, as well as the U.S. Naval War College, on strategy, execution, and leadership.
This segment filmed during the 1970s features Bob Monroe's welcome talk to a Gateway Voyage program group.
VOD release of DMT: The Spirit Molecule in Oct 2011.
In order to be initiated into this tribe, Bruce Parry has to take some mild-altering drugs. Watch the effects of the powerful hallucinations in this clip from BBC Worldwide.
Tabernanthe iboga or Iboga is a perennial rainforest shrub and hallucinogen, native to western Central Africa. Iboga stimulates the central nervous system when taken in small doses and induces visions in larger doses.
Jamie Wheal speaks at TEDx Black Rock City. “It’s never been easier to get high, and it’s just as hard as it’s always been to stay that way.
You may think you know all about hypnosis from the movies. Zoolander, The Manchurian Candidate, etc... but there's a whole lot more going on. In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank tells us about some of the many altered states of consciousness, including hypnosis.
Altered states of consciousness are documented across cultures, from shamans to Silicon Valley coders. As different as these experiences seem, there are four neurological features they all have in common.