05:08 min
No one searches for adversity. Bad experiences are simply part of life.
Most of us at some point in our lives will be struck by major traumas such as the sudden death of a loved one, a debilitating disease, assault, or a natural disaster. Resilience refers to the ability to ‘bounce back’ after encountering difficulty.
Go on a journey of wonder and grace with NY Times bestselling author Bernie Siegel, MD and his grandson, Charlie Siegel.
No matter how great your life may be, you will eventually deal with disappointments, setbacks, failures, and even loss and trauma.
The Politics of Trauma offers somatics with a social analysis. This book is for therapists and social activists who understand that trauma healing is not just for individuals—and that social change is not just for movement builders.
It is the rise from falling that Brown takes as her subject in Rising Strong.
In low seasons, while you sit in the waiting room of life, patience is a superpower. But by adopting these seven mindsets, you can run circles around life’s challenges.
We’ll be better prepared for life’s challenges if we cultivate these 12 inner strengths.
Whether it’s a critical comment from the boss or a full-blown catastrophe, life continually dishes out challenges. Resilience is the learned capacity to cope with any level of adversity, from the small annoyances of daily life to the struggles and sorrows that break our hearts.
From lemons to lemonade; from heartbreak to happiness; from victim to victorious.