05:08 min
The Future of Man is a magnificent introduction to the thoughts and writings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, one of the few figures in the history of the Catholic Church to achieve renown as both a scientist and a theologian.
Are we doomed to live in conflicting states of awareness and remain unable to find common ground for understanding? Not necessarily.
Why bother to heal the world if—as Conversations with God declares—everything is perfect just the way it is?
Based on National Geographic's internationally-renowned television series, this groundbreaking and visually stunning book explores how science and civilization grew up together.
In this profoundly exciting and challenging time, individuals may find they are involved in a difficult yet fascinating learning process—both their personal evolution and the evolution of human consciousness.
The human evolution is affected by a multitude of elements, many of which manifest during the process of reincarnation through many lifetimes.
Psychotherapist, professor, and author Carolyn Baker joins Terry for a sober, deep, and instructive conversation to consider our planetary predicament as a sacred rite of passage that necessitates a “collective descent into the darkness,” the possibility of our collective “sacred demise”,...
The rise of quantum consciousness could be the biggest step our species has taken since it came down from the trees. It would bring us to a new stage of species maturity and could also enable us to surmount the problems that threaten our life and our future.
There may not be much we can do to go counter to the basic evolutionary trends; our interests lie with going with it, facilitating their unfolding.
All of us, all of the web of life on Earth, must come together to form the symphony of oneness. That is the purpose of our existence. It is our contribution to the world.