Master Gu shares the secrets of Taoist meditation...
05:48 min
A montage of interviews with Meditating with the Body(R) founder, Reginald A. Ray, teachers Tami Simon and David Iozzi; and participants in a meditation retreat. Filmed during retreat at the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, Colorado, where the course retreats are held.
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Is our sitting quietly every day to observe the movement of thought by your definition a practice, a method and therefore without value?' The role of the foundations was described by Krishnamurti when he said, 'The foundations will see to it that these teachings are kept whole, are not...
In this video I share with you the secret to self-development and changing your life. Self-development is the only path to accelerating your growth and actualizing your potential as a human being.
Join Sister Jenna for a special talk along with meditations and the practice of “Drishti.” During Raja Yoga meditation by the Brahma Kumaris, “Dhristi” is a technique which is used to help one focus on the vision of the soul while absorbing and sending God's vibrations to another.
Shaikh Kabir Helminski is a Sufi master of the 700 year old Mevlevi order, the lineage of Jalaluddin Rumi. Sufism (tasawwuf) is the inner, spiritual, mystical dimension of Islam. Its aim is the development of Presence and Love.
Debbie Ford talks about getting right answers from right questions. She asks herself whether this is an act of faith or an act of fear. Decisions we make based in trust rather than our most fearful self will be better.
An Introduction to the Laws of Spiritual Divorce.
Starting a meditation practice at home.
Voices of the Earth, a project of the Earth Medicine Alliance speaks with Luisah Teish, an author, storyteller, and priestess of the Ifá/Orisha faith of Yoruba-speaking West Africa and the African Diaspora.