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Black Trans Female Empowerment—Mila Jam—TEDxPrincetonWomen


Lessons in radical self love & unapologetic existence for women: black, Trans, femme and beyond. A path to owning your identity, purpose and presence. See more...

10:47 min


Dream a Little Before You Think

Omega cofounder Elizabeth Lesser opens the 2019 Women & Power Conference with a tribute to Toni Morrison and an exploration of one of her favorite Morrison quotes, "As you enter positions of trust and power, dream a little before you think."

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Omega Institute’s Elizabeth Lesser on Being Kind, Not Nice

In this video with NEXT for Women, Lesser states that the desire to be nice to everyone is still locked into the DNA of women. You can be kind and fierce, but not nice and fierce, and that it is almost always impossible to advance in one's career if they attempt this.

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Gender Challenges