Five Executive Abilities that all people have but ADHD people are deficit/delayed in.
1) Can you stop? Self-restraint. A quote “Everything comes to those who can wait!” Can you delay your behavior so you can do the best action?
2) The Mind’s Eye. Mental Imagery. You will recall the relevant past and use the past to do better behavior in the future. ADHD people can’t do this. You lack hindsight, and without hindsight you can do foresight.
3) The Mind’s Voice. You can’t talk to yourself, internally. Starting at the age of five you can separate what you do with what you think, you now have a “voice in your head “to help control your body so you can do better actions that affect your body and your brain.
4) The Mind’s Heart. The ability to manage your emotions so your body and mind work towards your long term best interest.
5) The Mind’s Playground. The ability to imagine dozens of possible futures and pick the best one with the best perceived results.