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Why Kids Need to Learn About Gender and Sexuality - Lindsay Amer


Lindsay Amer is the creator of "Queer Kid Stuff," an educational video series that breaks down complex ideas around gender and sexuality through songs and metaphors. See more...

07:48 min


Why the “Born This Way” Argument Doesn’t Advance LGBT Equality | Dr. Lisa Diamond | TEDxSaltLakeCity

Lady Gaga has said it. The Pope has said it. But are people really born gay? Lisa Diamond, a professor of psychology and gender studies, deconstructs the “born this way” argument and shows why it doesn’t advance LGBT equality.

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Gender Diversity & Identity in Queertopia—VPRO Documentary

What means gender diversity and gender identity nowadays? And what does gender diversity include? What if you are born with a body that does not meet society’s typical idea of ‘man’ or ‘woman’? Gender diversity has become more and more important and discussed.

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Queer People 16–65 Talk About Identity | Cut

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LGBTQIA Children