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Anand Giridharadas: “Winners Take All” and the Paradox of Elite Philanthropy - The Daily Show


Anand Giridharadas discusses his book “Winners Take All,” which explains how the super wealthy take advantage of U.S. financial policies while also looking philanthropic.

08:34 min


The Top 4 Crises Facing the World Today | Jared Diamond | Big Think

According to historian Jared Diamond, we currently have four global crises to address: the ongoing threat of nuclear attacks, climate change, running out of resources, and socioeconomic inequality.

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Jared Diamond: Lessons from Hunter-Gatherers | Nat Geo Live

Jared Diamond, a National Geographic explorer-in-residence and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, studies how traditional societies around the world treat the aging members of their tribes, and suggests that these cultures have much to teach us about the treatment of our elderly.

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My Conversation with Jared Diamond

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Economic Justice