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Sandeep Maheshwari: What Is Self Realisation?


Sandeep Maheshwari is a name among millions who struggled, failed and surged ahead in search of success, happiness and contentment. Just like any middle class guy, he too had a bunch of unclear dreams and a blurred vision of his goals in life. See more...

08:23 min


Increase Your Self-Awareness with One Simple Fix - Tasha Eurich - TEDxMileHigh

Self-awareness has countless proven benefits—stronger relationships, higher performance, more effective leadership.

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Consciousness, Perception, and Controlled Hallucinations, with Anil Seth

This evening, Anil Seth will sketch the state-of-the-art in the new science of consciousness, with a focus on what neuroscience has to offer.

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Anil Seth: The Neuroscience of Consciousness

Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience Anil Seth looks at the neuroscience of consciousness and how our biology gives rise to the unique experience of being you. Anil provides an insight into the state-of-the-art research in the new science of consciousness.

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Your Brain Hallucinates Your Conscious Reality | Anil Seth

Right now, billions of neurons in your brain are working together to generate a conscious experience—and not just any conscious experience, your experience of the world around you and of yourself within it.

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Hameed Ali (A. H. Almaas)—2nd Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

Hameed was working on his Ph.D. in physics when he reached a turning point in his life and destiny that led him more and more into inquiring into the psychological and spiritual aspects of human nature.

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How Do I Step More Deeply into Presence?

Can you explain more about the “surface” of the present moment? How can we go deeper? The “surface” of the present moment contains the external forms we perceive with the physical senses—any of which can serve as a tool for stepping out of the thought stream.

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Gregg Braden, Dr. Joe Dispenza & Bruce Lipton Ph.D @ Tcche 2017

The path for Evolution of personal consciousness takes place through cultivation of the inner nature of human consciousness. This cultivation spans a range of practices encapsulating the varied and multi-dimensional aspects of life.

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