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Sandeep Maheshwari: What Is Self Realisation?


Sandeep Maheshwari is a name among millions who struggled, failed and surged ahead in search of success, happiness and contentment. Just like any middle class guy, he too had a bunch of unclear dreams and a blurred vision of his goals in life. See more...

08:23 min


On Consciousness: A Dialogue with Peter Russell

Physicist and author Peter Russell joins Eckhart Tolle in a fascinating dialogue about the nature of consciousness.

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The Evolution of Awareness: A Conversation with Neale Donald Walsch

A moving dialogue on topics including Neale Donald Walsch's personal story, his creative process, the challenge of staying spiritually awake in daily living, and more.

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The Beginning of Awakening and Essential Identity

It’s time to experience your essential identity. Through the form and the formless Eckhart invites you to start your path towards awakening and to find who you truly are through this journey.

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Life After Awareness | Do You Let the Universe Take Control?

Once you become aware, do you have to have a plan of where you are going or do you leave that up to the universe? Eckhart discusses life after awareness and how the creative impulse of the universe works through us to manifest the world we see.

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The Real Reason You're Feeling Unfulfilled | a New Earth | Oprah Winfrey Network

According to spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, everything you need to be happy is already inside you; you just have to be present to access it. Watch as he explains how getting lost in your own head can keep you from feeling whole and advises how to combat that tendency.

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Settling into Presence

Eckhart Tolle offers guidance for settling into presence and resting in the depth of an “unfilled” moment. This video features the music of Nawang Khechog as found on the album "Music As Medicine"(2004)

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How Do I Step More Deeply into Presence?

Can you explain more about the “surface” of the present moment? How can we go deeper? The “surface” of the present moment contains the external forms we perceive with the physical senses—any of which can serve as a tool for stepping out of the thought stream.

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Waiting for the Next Moment | Balance in Presence

In this featured talk, Eckhart guides us from the troublesome "waiting room" of our modern lives, pointing us to the depths of the present moment as both our true home and the ultimate source of wisdom and balance.

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How to Practice Presence on a Daily Basis | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

In this video, Eckhart explains the deeper meaning of a retreat, and how through “presence practice” we can discover our true identity beneath the level of the mind.

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The Dark Night of the Soul

A short clip of Eckhart Tolle discussing the Impersonal Nature of Awareness in Santa Barbara for Eckhart Tolle TV. This clip is a conversation between Eckhart & Chris Hebard.

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