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Sandeep Maheshwari: What Is Self Realisation?


Sandeep Maheshwari is a name among millions who struggled, failed and surged ahead in search of success, happiness and contentment. Just like any middle class guy, he too had a bunch of unclear dreams and a blurred vision of his goals in life. See more...

08:23 min


Michio Kaku: Consciousness Can Be Quantified | Big Think

One of the great questions in all of science is where consciousness comes from. When it comes to consciousness, Kaku believes different species have different levels of consciousness, based on their feedback loops needed to survive in space, society, and time.

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Gregg Braden, Dr. Joe Dispenza & Bruce Lipton Ph.D @ Tcche 2017

The path for Evolution of personal consciousness takes place through cultivation of the inner nature of human consciousness. This cultivation spans a range of practices encapsulating the varied and multi-dimensional aspects of life.

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How to Separate the Voice in Your Head From the Real You | Super Soul Sunday | OWN

Author Michael Singer says the voice inside your head that expresses doubts and worry is not you; it's your deeper consciousness. Find out how Michael first realized what that voice was and how to separate what you're not from what you are.

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What Can We Expect After We Die? - Dr Raymond Moody, Us

Raymond Moody (born June 30, 1944) is a psychologist and medical doctor. He is most famous as an author of books about life after death and near-death experiences (NDE), a term that he coined in 1975. His best-selling title is Life After Life.

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Program Your Mind While You Sleep | Dr. Bruce Lipton

"It's so easy to program your mind, but people don't even try" Eye opening speech by Dr. Bruce Lipton

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