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Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator - Tim Urban


Tim Urban knows that procrastination doesn't make sense, but he's never been able to shake his habit of waiting until the last minute to get things done. See more...

14:04 min


Survivors Share Their Work & Cancer Experiences

You're not alone! Cancer and Careers is here to provide working people with cancer the support, coaching, advice and resources you'll need as you fight cancer. We offer career coaching/counseling, personal stories from other survivors, legal advice and so much more.

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Why Children Struggling with Mental Health Say Stigma Can Be Deadly

A new documentary produced by our colleagues at Milwaukee PBS in collaboration with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel follows four young people from Wisconsin who are navigating mental health challenges.

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When Mental Illness Enters the Family | Dr. Lloyd Sederer | TEDxAlbany

What must families know if they have a loved one with a mental illness? In his talk, Dr. Lloyd Sederer discusses the four things we all must know to help those who may be struggling around us.

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What Not to Do If a Child Is Self Harming

This video provides advice and ideas for concerned parents, teachers or other adults who want to know what they should and should not say and do if a child or young person discloses that they have been self-harming.

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Academic Struggles