Practitioners of witchcraft employ their skills for both beneficial and sinister uses.
05:54 min
From ancient Egyptians to modern day witches, King Solomon to Native American shamans, individuals throughout time have possessed the power to work with the spirit world. But it's not necessary to be a Tibetan holy man or ghost hunter to communicate with the other side.
Inspired by a Vision of Awen depicting a spear, a flowering branch, and a horned serpent emanating from three drops of wisdom, surrounded by three worlds, Christopher Penczak received a teaching to reconcile many disparate parts of modern Witchcraft into a cohesive body of magickal lore for...
Is shamanism all that different from modern witchcraft? According to Christopher Penczak, Wicca’s roots go back 20,000 years to the Stone Age shamanic traditions of tribal cultures worldwide.
Explore your Inner Temple―your personal sacred space where there are no boundaries and all things are possible.
Almost thirty years since its original publication, Drawing Down the Moon continues to be the only detailed history of the burgeoning but still widely misunderstood Neo- Pagan subculture.
Scott Cunningham's classic introduction to Wicca is about how to live life magically, spiritually, and wholly attuned with nature.
When we think of the wheel of the year, the Wiccan wheel with its celebrations of the Yule, Beltane, Mabon, and Samhain come to mind.
From Abracadabra to Aleister Crowley to Gardnerian Witchcraft to Rosemary's Baby to sorcery and Zoroaster, The Witch Book by the late, great Raymond Buckland is unmatched in its coverage of witchcraft’s historical, practical, and cultural aspects. A student of the late Wicca pioneer Dr.
Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft has influenced and guided countless students, coven initiates, and solitaries around the world.
A look into the underlying principles behind modern magic in Witchcraft, this investigation provides an integrated training system for both solitary Witches and coven-based trainees in the form of magical energy practice and cosmology.