Practitioners of witchcraft employ their skills for both beneficial and sinister uses.
05:54 min
Janet’s work with the late Stewart Farrar was long the cornerstone works for newcomers to Wicca, Witchcraft and other Pagan Traditions.
The greatest gift we can give our world is our presence, awake and attentive. What can help us do that? Here, drawn from ancient religions and wisdom traditions, are a handful of practices Joanna Macy has learned to count on.
A few weeks ago, a Baptist minister in Texas started a rumble, or at least a small brouhaha, when he declared that yoga is not suitable for Christians. His point was that using the body for spiritual practice contradicts basic Christian principles.
When one hears a chant like Aum Namoh Bhagvate Vasudevaya, it is not a Grammy award ceremony that comes to mind as the setting of such chanting; but that is precisely what Krishna Das has been able to do—take cherished age-old Indian kirtans to a global stage such as the Grammys.
He’s driven a school bus, dabbled in the blues, and meditated in the jungles and ashrams of India, but today Krishna Das is known as the King of Kirtan.
In The Phosphorous Grove, author Christopher Penczak offers a series of visionary meditations on the spheres and paths of the Qabalah from a modern witch’s perspective. Filled with powerful imagery, this work holds insights for new and longtime students of the occult alike.
Build the foundation of a strong magickal practice, walking both the path of the solitary practitioner on the sorcerous road, and near to others in community, upon their own roads, for we embrace the paradox that a Witch is never alone, yet is always alone.
The Mighty Dead, the Hidden Company, the Secret Chiefs, the Withdrawn Order, the Inner Plane Adepts, the Masters, the Bodhisattva and the Saints - all names for the enlightened dead who guide the spiritual traditions and evolution of humanity through the mysteries.
Magick and spells: Tools of Will to effect change, tools at your disposal with the lessons and guidelines in this book.
Is it possible to gain spiritual enlightenment even in difficult or threatening situations? What is the nature of evil and the role of seemingly bad things in the universe? In this thorough and thoughtful protection magick handbook, you are urged to take responsibility for your own actions, ask...