08:35 min
Sunday Talk: The Ecstasy of Surrender - Dr. Judith Orloff at Center for Spiritual Living - Seattle on Apr 27, 2014.
You can sabotage success by pushing too hard. Surrender is the antidote to stress in a world that relentlessly conspires to interrupt creative thought.
Maui. January 2010 webcast. Someone asks Ram Dass about how to let go. He says to change your vantage point from your ego to your Soul. To stay in the witness, not the ego or the desires. He says to watch the show of your incarnation. He says to sit back from your ego thoughts.
Sadness is a wonderful emotion that helps you let go of things that aren't working anymore so that you can make room for things that DO work.
Tony Robbins and Michael A Singer share their experiences and discuss humanity’s true potential in inner peace. Gaining inner fulfillment can be more gratifying and beneficial to your life than almost any external means.
Jon Kabat-Zinn talks about the 9 Attitudes of Mindfulness, how to use them in our Mindfulness practice and daily life.
"Joy is not for just the lucky few–it’s a choice anyone can make." Awakening Joy is an internationally recognized Internet course created by noted teacher, author, and co-founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center, James Baraz.
The purpose of this video is to relay the most sublime teaching of Sunyata—silence beyond any idea of silence, peace beyond any idea of peace, love beyond any idea of love, and the vast emptiness of the omniscience that defies description (gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā).
When Doyle announced her divorce four weeks before the release of her book detailing the rebuilding of said marriage, the author and activist knew it was a no turning back moment.