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Neale Donald Walsch - How to break free from poverty & hard times?

By Neale Donald Walsch — 2011

Neale Donald Walsch is an American author of the series Conversations with God. In the early 1990s he suffered a series of crushing blows - a fire that destroyed all of his belongings, the break-up of his marriage, a car accident that left him with a broken neck. See more...

57:08 min


Arundhati Roy—Come September Speech

In this acclaimed Lannan foundation lecture from September 2002, Roy speaks poetically to power on the US' War on Terror, globalization, the misuses of nationalism, and the growing chasm between the rich and poor.

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Empowerment Coach Reveals How to Stop Self-Rejection and Develop Self-Confidence—Roxy Saffaie

Is your greatest enemy, or bully, in life actually yourself? Do you put yourself down, tell yourself, “You can’t do it,” or shut down your own dreams before even giving them a try? On this episode of Women of Impact, empowerment coach, podcast host, writer, and athlete Roxy Saffaie joins Lisa...

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Poverty and Economic Inequality