James Martin, S.J., describes three simple ways you can be nicer to others this Lent.
02:06 min
Allan Luks one of the pioneers of research on the health benefits of kindness and author of “The Healing Power of Doing Good” explains how a show like The Kindness Effect TV will impact society and improve your health.
Did you know that engaging in ACTS OF KINDNESS is proven to boost serotonin? Serotonin heals your wounds, calms you down and makes you HAPPY! Start your very own Kindness Boomerang with LVI's Act of Kindness cards! Take part in our AOK Card Campaign and Become a Proud Card Carrying Member of...
While kindness is important in our interactions with one another, it has positive health effects on yourself and others, too! Happiness Expert Kathie Donovan explains. Cityline is the longest running and most successful daytime show for women in North American history.
In this video Dr. David R. Hamilton reveals the five unexpected (and beneficial!) side-effects of being kind to others.
Greed is good. War is inevitable. Whether in political theory or popular culture, human nature is often portrayed as selfish and power hungry.
Do something kind for others. It'’s good for *you.*
LVI Founder, Orly Wahba, discusses the magic of kindness at TED. Get a peek at Life Vest Inside Founder, Orly Wahba’s cross country speaking tour with her Best Selling Book, Kindness Boomerang! Orly spent 6 amazing weeks traveling and speaking at schools, companies and community centers.
Kindness is not a random act but a full-time commitment—a respect for others and their inherent dignity.
There are scientifically proven benefits to being kind! It is contagious, teachable, and makes you feel all fuzzy inside.
Oxytocin, the chemical responsible for feelings of love and connection, binds us as human beings. In this Mindset Moment, Simon talks about the power of kindness and the chemical reaction we have to acts of generosity.