58:58 min
CNN's Tony Harris talks to the author of the new book, "Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough."
Anat studied and worked with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais for 11 years. In their work together, Dr. Feldenkrais encouraged Anat to find her own voice. He was adamant that Anat do the work in her own distinct way, which allowed her to fully develop and evolve the Anat Baniel Method.
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After a few relationships gone bad and more than one night waiting by the phone, Oprah learned the hard way that if a man shows you he’s untrustworthy, believe him the first time. Watch Dr. Maya Angelou discuss this important life lesson with Oprah.
In a 2013 sit-down with Oprah Winfrey for “Super Soul Sunday,” Dr. Maya Angelou revealed how her tough but tender-hearted mother transformed her life. Plus, the legendary author and Oprah’s “greatest spiritual teacher” shared her insights on aging.
Today we cover the hot topic of open relationships in the gay community vs closed relationships! The Gay Men's Brotherhood is a group for gay men to connect with each other on the journey of healing from shame and becoming more authentic and aligned to their truth.
My colleague Dick Schwartz, PhD joins me for a conversation about our critical voice. We discuss why we have this inner voice and how we can better understand its motivations.
It’s so effective in treating trauma that it’s recommended by the American Psychiatric Association, the Defense Department and the World Health Organization.
In 1987 Dr. Shapiro observed, during a walk in a park, that moving her eyes seemed to reduce the stress of disturbing memories.