Eckhart speaks with Geneen Roth about her awakening process and her evolving relationship between money and wealth.
12:35 min
This episode is a joyous celebration of all the relationships in our lives. It’s challenging, poignant but ultimately hugely practical.
Googler Logan Ury talks to author and sex advice columnist Dan Savage, as well as "Mating In Captivity" author Esther Perel, in the fifth of our Modern Romance talks. They discuss infidelity, new models for marriage, abstinence-only sex education, and monogamy.
In this video renowned thinker Huston Smith offers the powerful story of his spiritual journey through life.
All Masters have said, “Aham Brahmasmi” (I am Brahman) and “Tat Twam Asi,” (You are that). Disciples then perform constant shravanam, mananam and nidhidyasanam (listening, reflection and internalization), and through this process they reach the depths of these statements.
Have you ever received an apology that didn’t quite cut it? That made things even worse? Plus, let’s face it - life can be messy. Despite your best intentions, it is nearly impossible to avoid causing harm or hurt every so often.