This is the first interview in my Titans of Tarot series featuring Rachel Pollack on Wednesday, September 2 2020.
01:04:55 min
Cleromancy literary means “Divination by casting lots”. It is an ancient practice which has been able to serve a unique purpose of foretelling the future through divine intervention.
Once an arcane rural art, used almost exclusively to find water, dowsing has been taken over by urban New Agers who use it to make any and all kinds of decisions, from what movie to rent to whether a person is a potential partner. For most, the forked stick has given way to a pendulum.
Between those who think it’s a joke and those who think tarot cards are actual magic lies a vast group who find them insightful and fun, if not necessarily supernatural.
In the past, I had mostly stayed away from tarot cards for fear of what they might reveal — that something terrible was waiting for me, that my true love was going to leave me, that I was going to be broke for the rest of my life.
This highly innovative work presents a piercing interpretation of the tarot in terms of Jungian psychology. Through analogies to the humanities, mythology, and the graphic arts, the significance of the cards is related to personal growth and what Jung termed “individuation.
The enigmatic nature of the runes is undeniable. In fact, the English word "rune" comes to us from the Norse word runa, which means "a secret," or "to whisper.
Bone reading is an ancient method of divination practiced throughout human history in various forms by diverse world cultures. "Bones, Shells, and Curios" describes a method of bone divination that is intuitive, personal, and accessible to all.
This practical manual explains and teaches ancient and modern methods for predicting future events by means of Scottish speal bones, American pyromantic furculomancy, Yoruban obi, Shona hakata, Mongolian shagai, British fortune telling dice, the Gypsy domino oracle, the Persian standing bone...
The I Ching, or The Book of Changes, is one of the most important books in the history of Oriental culture. It was one of the Five Classics edited by Confucius, who is reported to have wished he had fifty more years of life to study it.
The world's most popular tarot deck! This classic deck has long been a favorite of beginners as well as tarot enthusiasts. The cards were drawn in 1909 by Pamela Colman Smith under the direction of Arthur Edward Waite. Smith's vibrant drawings transformed the standard tarot deck.