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Audre Lorde and Ellen Kuzwayo, Berlin 1992

By Audre Lorde — 2013

Ellen Kuzwayo, friend and comrade of Audre Lorde, visited her in Berlin in the summer of 1992 a few months before Audre's passing. Ellen Kuzwayo was a South African author and activist who became a member of Parliament after the South African liberation. See more...

02:12 min

“Let Freedom Ring Wherever the People’s Rights Are Trampled Upon”: What We Can Learn from Nelson Mandela Today

Nelson Mandela was by nature an optimist, but he was as hard-headed as they come. He did not embrace the consoling view of history that, as Martin Luther King said (in a line often quoted by Barack Obama), “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.

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