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Audre Lorde and Ellen Kuzwayo, Berlin 1992

By Audre Lorde — 2013

Ellen Kuzwayo, friend and comrade of Audre Lorde, visited her in Berlin in the summer of 1992 a few months before Audre's passing. Ellen Kuzwayo was a South African author and activist who became a member of Parliament after the South African liberation. See more...

02:12 min


Debate Over Critical Race Theory Impacting Southern Baptist Convention, Churches

The teaching of critical race theory has created debate and division in the American political system and school systems across the country, from elementary schools to universities. The debate has even seeped into churches.

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Reverend: White Supremacy Sometimes “Masquerades as Faith” in Christian Churches

Rev. Jacqueline Lewis, senior minister of Middle Collegiate Church in Manhattan, is on a mission to eradicate racism—especially within the church she loves. Though Rev. Lewis’s own congregation is a model of diversity, Rev.

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