11:23 min
Conservationists argue that humans need to save species in order to save ourselves. The truth is we could survive without wild species—but they can’t survive without us, and the moral argument for protecting them and the beauty they bring to the world is overwhelming.
Rebecca Solnit has made a vocation of journeying into difficult territory and reporting back, as an environmentalist, antiglobalization activist, and public intellectual.
In a very special interview, Satish Kumar shares his greatest adventure, inspiration and how we can find connection with the Earth.
This anthology presents more than 30 essays from eminent women trailblazers--such as author Alice Walker, psychiatrist Jean Shinoda Bolen, playwright Eve Ensler, holistic doctor Rachel Naomi Remen, biologist Janine Benyus, hip-hop performer Rha Goddess, and famous tree-sitter Julia Butterfly...