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7 Easy Ways to Raise Your Vibration

By Panache Desai — 2017

In this video, discover how you can: Shift out of fear and into love Move into connection and toward the energy of oneness Simple, actionable strategies for energetic expansion Incorporate these vibration elevation techniques into your day and you’ll feel the results in all areas of... See more...

10:33 min


What ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ Means to this Gay Veteran | American Veteran

Janessa Goldbeck was an out, gay woman when she joined the Marines—but the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy was still in place, forcing her to hide her true self from others. After its official repeal, Goldbeck was able to educate others about LGBTQ issues.

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The Magic in Empowering Black Girls | Taria Pritchett | TEDxWilmingtonLive

It’s odd to think that, in our progressive society, black girls are still seen as needing less support and protection than their white female counterparts in today’s world.

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As an Olympic Athlete, I Don’t Do Motivation | Cleopatra Borel | TEDxPortofSpain

Cleopatra Borel doesn’t do motivation. In this fun and entertaining talk, she explains the three principles that have made her a four-time Olympian. Cleopatra not only entertains us in this talk, she also reminds us that with hard work and commitment, you can achieve your dreams.

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Overcoming Self-Doubt and Finding Your Inner Mentor with Tara Mohr

In this episode, she discusses universal fear and self-doubt and how she’s created a business that works to defy both.

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