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"Rebirth vs Reincarnation" at Southeast Missouri State U


Bhante Vimalaramsi spends an evening giving a talk about Rebirth vs Reincarnation and many other topics Nov 2013 at Cape Girardeau, MO.

01:10:03 min


Rev. angel Kyodo williams—Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love, and Liberation

ANGEL KYODO WILLIAMS - Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love, and Liberation. Thrust into the Western socioeconomic framework that puts profit above all, coupled with a desire to perpetuate institutional existence, the Dharma has become beholden to commodification as inescapable and de rigueur.

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05-19-17 Buddhism and Activism with Dr. Jan Willis - BBCorner

Sravasti Abbey is delighted to host Dr. Jan Willis, professor emerita of religion at Wesleyan University, and student of Lama Yeshe for a weekend of teachings. She shares her thoughts on the Buddha's example of activism and its impact on her life.

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Past Lives and Reincarnation