Samuel discusses a major paradigm shift in recovering from infidelity or addiction.
10:58 min
Venerable Thubten Chodron speaking on Bodhicitta and relationships.
Learn how to enhance your immune system and find the key to good health. This inspiring program leads you through several empowering meditations, each a combination of guided imagery and autohypnosis.
Author/teacher Jeff Foster shares how to mindfully meet a broken heart, honour it, breathe into it, allow blocked energy to move. How to bring love and acceptance to present-moment feelings of fear, sadness and longing.
An Introduction to the Laws of Spiritual Divorce.
Cheating is a symptom of a bigger problem. You won't magically know how to create a vibrant, healthy relationship if you’ve never had one or had one modeled for you. If your parents didn't have a great relationship or had poor problem-solving skills, that is what you learned.
What Is Gaslighting? How to Avoid Mental Manipulation and Emotional Abuse - Terri Cole If this video describes your situation, please don’t give up. The first step is to understand that it’s happening.
In the episode, I share an article I read recently with some simple strategies a woman used that really made a difference in making her “invisible” emotional labor visible to her husband.
Henry Grayson sits down with Tami Simon to discuss the self-healing power each one of us holds in our bodies and minds.
HSPs come in different flavors: 70% are introverts, 30% are extraverts, and then there are sensation seekers. Here is how these differences affect your relationships.
Passive-aggressive people: Could you be one of them? Passive-aggressive people don't get mad, they get even. When conflict triggers an emotional response, the passive-aggressive pattern is for revenge, by some form of sabotage.