36:01 min
These 3 stories prove that the only thing holding you back is your attitude and how living beyond your limits is about recognizing your limitless potential no matter your physical limitations.
In this talk, Dr. Maté shared his insights into how disease can be the body’s way of saying ‘no’ to that which the mind cannot or will not acknowledge.
In this video, Peter Levine will share how he helped uncover an incomplete traumatic response that was stuck in the body.
Dynamic Neural Retraining System is a neural rehabilitation program that has been highly effective in the treatment and recovery from limbic system disorders including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CFS, Fibromyalgia FM, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity MCS, and Environment Illness EI.
Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) President and Founder Annie Hopper speaks on "The Brain, Chronic Illness, and Limbic System Rehabilitation" before a full house at the Allergiatalo (Allergy House) in Helsinki, Finland.
Annie Hopper, Dynamic Neural Retraining System, speaks on the Limbic System and how Limbic System Trauma can manifest as various illnesses including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Anxiety disorders and Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome.