12:50 min
When you look at me what do you see? Join Olivia as she explains her journey of having chronic illnesses. Olivia contextualizes her experience through spoon theory.
Natural health expert Bryce Wylde has natural remedies for boosting your libido.
If you have suddenly lost weight, here are a few nutrition-centered options to gain weight back in a healthy way.
Dr. Luke Peppone of University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY discusses results from a preliminary study measuring omega 3 versus omega 6 supplementation for fatigue among breast cancer survivors (NCT02352779). The study took patients with a fatigue level of 4 out of a 0-10 scale.
Peichieh Wu, Registered Dietician, with Eisenhower Lucy Curci Cancer Center discusses the causes of cancer fatigue and how what you eat can help.
Integrative Nutrition guest speaker Bernie Siegel, M.D. tells us how being a Health Coach and taking an integrative approach towards health and medicine helps him be a better physician.
Dr. Bernie Siegel speaks on the Art of Healing in Simsbury CT.
Interview with Donna Jackson Nakazawa about how childhood adversity and trauma not only adversely affect our emotional lives but our physical well being as adults, and how we can reset our biology and help ourselves and our loved ones to heal.
In this episode, Anat Baniel and Donna Jackson Nakazawa discuss: • the smallest cell in the brain—microglia—how it works and its function as an immune system; • groundbreaking discoveries about the brain and how microglia link mental and physical health; • how chronic stressors and trauma...