12:50 min
Interview with Donna Jackson Nakazawa about how childhood adversity and trauma not only adversely affect our emotional lives but our physical well being as adults, and how we can reset our biology and help ourselves and our loved ones to heal.
In this episode, Anat Baniel and Donna Jackson Nakazawa discuss: • the smallest cell in the brain—microglia—how it works and its function as an immune system; • groundbreaking discoveries about the brain and how microglia link mental and physical health; • how chronic stressors and trauma...
Donna Jackson Nakazawa is an award-winning journalist and internationally-recognized speaker whose work explores the intersection of neuroscience, immunology, and human emotion.
https://www.eeglearn.com/bir Emerging research shows that how safe we feel in the world has a profound impact on our mental, physical, and immune health. When we at last emerge from the pandemic, we are poised for a mental health crisis of epic proportions.
Excerpt from "The Freedom To Love" (c) 2015 Pema Chödrön, used with permission from the publisher, Sounds True. Pema discusses coping with chronic illness.