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The Making of a Mindful, Modern Elder | Chip Conley, Karen May

By Chip Conley — 2019

From Wisdom 2.0's 2018 Mindfulness in America Summit in New York City.

26:21 min


Want to Live to 100? Dan Buettner Tells You How - Amanpour and Company

Dan Buettner is a National Geographic fellow and founder of The Blue Zones Project, a well-being improvement initiative launched in over 40 cities across the United States.

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Cancer and Finances—Linda’s Story

Financial hardship often accompanies a cancer diagnosis. Linda shares her experiences and insights about managing questions with employment and finances that often accompany a cancer diagnosis.

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13 Strength-Training Benefits for Seniors (Why Build Muscle after 50?)

Should seniors lift weights? Are there benefits to strength training after 50? Yes, and yes! Here are 13 things you will benefit from by building stronger muscles, no matter how old you are. You are never too old to improve your health, and lifting heavy things will help you do that.

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The Secrets of Happiness & Longevity: Dan Buettner & Marie Forleo Discuss Blue Zones

Looking for the secret of happiness? Interested in the science of longevity? Dan Buettner is the man to follow.

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Dan Buettner at TEDMED 2011

Buettner talks about universal lifestyle behaviors that promote longevity, why they're so hard to adopt in the U.S., and how one town undertook its own Blue Zone experiment, to great effect.

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Dan Buettner: How to Live to Be 100+

To find the path to long life and health, Dan Buettner and team study the world’s “Blue Zones,” communities whose elders live with vim and vigor to record-setting age. At TEDxTC, he shares the 9 common diet and lifestyle habits that keep them spry past age 100.

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Seeking Wisdom in Graying Matter

Geriatric psychiatrist and neuroscientist Dilip Jeste reveals how our brains compensate for physical aging and discusses an unexpected evolutionary advantage to growing old–gaining sage wisdom–which holds great promise to benefit society as a whole.

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Knowing Your Foods Can Beat Disease | Dave Asprey

Dave Asprey, renown biohacker explains how you can become an anti-aging guru by fighting the 4 Big Killers and live till 180.

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Forest Bathing | Shinrin-Yoku | Healing in Nature | Short Documentary

Learn how to create healing experiences in nature for yourself and your loved ones. Learn calming nature meditations, forest bathing exercises, and mindfulness activities that reconnect us with nature and ourselves. Please share the forest calm and spread some healing.

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Interview with Meditation Leader: Biet Simkin

Biet Simkin is a meditation + spiritual leader in the celebrity world. We discuss how her book, "Don't Just Sit There!: 44 Insights to Get Your Meditation Practice Off the Cushion and Into the Real World", can help others during COVID-19.

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